Content and news - Landerz

Landerz Showcases Innovative Land Transactions Solution at Startup Open House

Written by Francois Royer Mireaullt | 24.05.2024

Landerz proudly participated in the Startup Open House event, a showcase of Montreal's innovation and entrepreneurship. Our President, Simon G. Boyer, presented our investor pitch to visitors, highlighting our unique approach that combines technology and data to accelerate land transactions.

Simon G. Boyer explained how our technology platform simplifies the land prospecting and acquisition process. By integrating data layers on zoning, risks, and market conditions, we facilitate quick and informed decision-making. This revolutionary approach piqued the interest of students, investors, and real estate professionals present at the event.

At Landerz, we are committed to continuing to innovate and push the boundaries of the real estate industry. Join us in our mission to revolutionize real estate brokerage. For more information about our services and approach, visit our website or contact us directly.